Church buildings and incredible views

There are many monasteries in Mallorca, most are very well preserved. The two with the best view we present here:

Puig de Randa

Mallorca’s only Table Mountain is at 542 m, the highest point of the Plá. The village of Randa (100 Ew.) Located at the foot of the mountain worth a walk on cobblestones. Above Randa, the mountain road leads first to the Santuari de Nostra Senyora de Gracia, the lowest of three monasteries.

The abandoned 15C hermitage with sweeping views across the plain from Llucmajor to the Cabrera archipelago has been restored, the sandstone cliffs fortified, parking lots created.

A good 1 km uphill is the Santuari de Sant Honorat, end of the 14th Jhs. founded and still inhabited by monks today. Only the chapel from the 17th century is accessible. Radarmasts on the hilltop first obscure the great aha experience of the summiteers. You will be compensated by a great view from the terrace of the Santuari de Nostra Senyora de Cura on the top of the mountain. It is the cultural-historical most important of the three monasteries, retired in 1263 Ramón Llull back here, after he had given up his lustful life at the Mallorcan royal court. Llull wrote about 250 works, most of them in the Catalan language, which he made into a literary language, researching, teaching and proselytizing all over the world. The grammar room of the old school of Cura on the hill is home to a Ramón Llull Museum (Tues-Sun 11am-1pm and 4-6 pm). Try the Licor Randa, a herbal liqueur only available up here!

Sant Salvador

From the parish church, a cypress-fringed, 180-degree Way of the Cross (calvario) leads to the fortress. From the Arab almudaina (fortified palace) was under King Jaume I a Christian stronghold. In the interior of the pilgrimage church, the right-hand side painting illustrates the transfer of Mallorca through the Arabian Wali to the Christian king. To the here adored Madonna from the 17. century. In the 19th century, legends of repeated salvation are entwined with pirate attacks. Worthwhile is the view from the ramparts on the harmonious semicircular Artàs. | Daily 10am-6pm

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