Palma’s main tourist attractions

The giant structure: La Seu
It is essential to be good on foot, because you have to walk 215 steps up and down again. About ten minutes before the start of the tour, you will meet at the main side entrance on Plaça de la Seu. There are six daily guided tours except Sundays (three Saturdays) – 8pm, 10:30, 12, 17, 18:30 and (interesting for sunset junkies) 8pm, on Saturdays only until 12pm. The fun costs 12 euros and must be reserved at .
The old town
Explore the narrow, cobblestone streets behind the cathedral. These are mainly pedestrian streets, as they are far too narrow for cars. Pieces of jewelery on the way: The peaceful Episcopal Garden and the Banys Arabs (Arab Baths).
Art Nouveau buildings in the capital
The Catalan version of Art Nouveau, the modernisme, presents itself in Palma with beautifully restored facades. Called: Edifici Casayas on Plaça Mercat, built in 1908-11 by Francesc Roca. Diagonally opposite, at the Plaça Weyler, probably the most beautiful Art Nouveau façade in the city: the Gran Hotel, built in 1901-03 by Lluís Domenec i Montaner, elaborately restored by a savings bank and converted into an art gallery (Tue-Sat 10am-9pm, Sun 10am-2pm). The adjacent houses Can Rei and L’Aguila on Plaça Marqués de Palmer were created in 1908/09 and are famous for their colorful mosaics. Especially here the influence of the great master of the Catalan modernism, Antoni Gaudí, is noticeable.
The Es Baluard
One of the best museums in Majorca, with breathtaking views of the Paseo Marítimo, is a contemporary building integrated into the old city walls and has a large collection of modern art. Many of the artists exhibited there are either Mallorcan or have a strong connection to the island.